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Trippin Me Out

Okay We all Say Time Flys By, But No One Told Me It ZOOM ZOOMz By:

DUDE I'm Walkin Down The Street, & all these New High Tech Gadgets, Machines, Auto Mind Thingy Majigz approach me - just TRIPPIN lil ol ME OUT!

It's Like a High Tech Zoo Out Here in 2008!

iSpotted These Items On The Streets of L.A. Today:

The SEGWAY AKA SEGWHAT?,an electric-powered, high tech scooter called a Segway, invented by Dean Kamen and funded by Kleiner Perkins

I was like what the Fcuk is that! haha..when I saw sum old [color] rich guy showin off on a busy street IN los angeles

Wanna Buy one, check the website: CLICK HERE or SEGWAY L.A. for Pricing, only 5,000 Hotts. Not Bad at all.

Gotta Love YouTube:

On a Brighter Note, I saw a moving blue diamond, somthing like a California BatMobile with Swagg: I present to you the Ford GT [assuming a gt40?!?, idk help me identify this car]in Sexy Blue.

First Reaction: Wow-wa-wi-Wa!

also saw this bad boy:

KEY WORD: ADAPTATION, we are living in a fast paced high tech world, and it evolves everyday, and I am sure the world is far more advanced then I think & see. Mine as well get used to It.


DON'T MISS A BEAT - @rchives

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